10 September 2008

Picture Wednesday #3- base housing edition

Living in base housing means we are afforded the opportunity to surround ourselves with cutting edge trends in architectural design. Because we are so fortunate I thought it only fair to share some of these finer design elements, in case you are looking to upgrade any time soon.

Take for example this glorious use of wood paneling in the entryway.

Magnificent isn't it.

Or how about the sure to take off any minute now, lack of lighting provided in the home, thus causing one to live solely off lamp lighting, coupled with the always beautiful and stylish window air conditioners, because really central air conditioning is soooo 2007.

Then again, maybe window air conditioners aren't your thing. If you are more forward thinking and prefer your cooling be provided through an air conditioner placed into a carefully cut out hole in your wall and then sealed into place by the highest quality design duck tape this may be just what you are looking for.

Or perhaps you prefer the expensive dining room chair door stop look made possible by the installation of french doors in an 11x11 dining room.

As if these gems were not stunning enough, you can imagine how thrilled I was when I came home and discovered that living with all these architectural treasures is rubbing off on my husband. He decided that he wanted to add to the simple, modern and effortless style we are trying to convey in this beautiful 1200 square foot paradise and installed this..

who needs granite counter tops, hardwood floors, and walk-in closets. I now have a homemade pull-up bar in the doorway of my kitchen. Architectural Digest, call me.

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